Our Story
My soap-making journey started with a simple desire to be more involved in the process of creating the things I use in everyday life. From foods to cleaners, I set out to create as many of my daily items as I could muster. This eventually led me to want to create my own soaps, which turned out to be a bit more of an involved process than I had anticipated. Making my first batch required a lot of research on what soap was, how to formulate a recipe, what the process of making it looked like, and most importantly how to make it safely.
I spent many months researching, experimenting, and iterating on different recipes and techniques. I became more interested in the complexities and creativity of soap making. Before I knew it I was awash (pun 100% intended) in soap. I had bars not only in my shower but on my shelves, in my basement, in my living room, more soap than I could feasibly use. So I did the only thing that made sense, I started giving it away to friends and family.
During this time I was working as a freelance contractor which, while enjoyable, wasn’t always consistent. So putting two and two together I decided why not try to take my new passion and turn it into work that could help me sustain my life. I set about creating branding and an aesthetic based on the town I live in, while also representing a simple elegance I often strive for in my design, and Spire Town Soapary was born.